The Organs of Emmanuel
The Organs of Emmanuel are by Henry Willis and Sons Ltd. There are two instruments, playable from one console. The West end instrument, Henry Willis 3, was originally built, in 1932, for the Seventh Church of Christ, Scientist, Kensington. Originally voiced on a bijou scale it was brought into the usual Willis standards two years later at which point Willis III stated it was one of my finest works! It was removed in the 1980s and finally (having been all collected back together) installed at Emmanuel in 1999. The Apse Organ (at the east end) instrument was build in 2001 and is a 72-note chest so that maximum colour is available within the small space available. The instrument was officially opened during 2002. The east end division is designed to accompany the traditional repertoire of English Church music. The organ console was originally that of the Crypt Chapel of St. Paul's Cathedral. The west end case was designed by Stephen Bicknell and carved in Poland.
These instruments replaced an earlier organ, by Kingsgate Davison which, installed in 1947, had become unreliable and inadequate for the music needs of the church. With only a west end instrument the accompaniment of the two choirs was far from satisfactory. The organs are used regularly for choral services, concerts, recitals, and teaching. Upcoming organ recitals and concerts can be viewed here. |
Specification: Willis III, 1932 (West End)
Double Open Diapason 16' Open Diapason No. 1 8' Open Diapason No. 2 8' Claribel Flute 8' Principal 4' Flute Ouverte 4' Twelfth 2 2/3' Fifteenth 2' Harmonics III Tuba 8' (from choir) Swell to Great Swell to Great Octave Swell to Great Sub Octave Choir to Great Choir to Great Octave Choir to Great Sub Octave |
Quintaten 16' Geigen Diapason 8' Stopped Diapason 8' Aeoline 8' Voix Celestes 8' Octave Geigen 4' Flute Triangulaire 4' Mixture III Waldhorn 16' Vox Humana 8' Oboe 8' Trumpet 8' Clarion 4' Tremelo Swell Octave Swell Sub Octave Swell Unison Off |
Violoncello 8' Orchestral Flute 8' Dulciana 8' Vox Angelica 8' Concert Flute 4' Nazard 2 2/3' Flageolet 2' Tierce 1 3/5' Clarinet 8' Cor Anglais 8' Tuba 8' (unenclosed) Tremelo Choir Octave Choir Sub Octave Choir Unison Off Swell to Choir Swell to Choir Octave Swell to Choir Sub Octave |
Sub Bass 32' Open Wood 16' Open Diapason 16' Bourdon 16' Quintaten 16' Viola 8' Flute 8' Super Octave 4' Octave 4' Waldhorn 16' Trombone 16' Contra Bombarde 32' Swell to Pedal Choir to Pedal Great to Pedal Swell to Pedal Octave Choir to Pedal Octave Great and Pedal Comb. |
Specification: Willis, 2001 (Apse Organ)
Open Diapason 8' Stopped Diapason 8' Principal 4' Great Octave Swell to Great |
Rohr Flute 8' Salicional 8' Voix Celestes 8' Gemshorn 4' Nazard 2 2/3' Fifteenth 2' Contra Oboe 16' Oboe 8' Swell Octave Swell Sub Octave |
Bourdon 16' Bass Flute 8' Swell to Pedal Great to Pedal |